The MSRC Develops Two New Ship Models
5 June 2019The MSRC has been contracted to develop two new ship models, a Chinamax bulk carrier (327m x 55m x 22M) which has called on the Port of Sept-Iles, and a 174k m3 membrane twin screw, diesel electric LNG carrier, which will be used for simulations for the GNLQ project on the Saguenay River.
Using state-of-the-art modelling technology, our staff consistently designs models which replicate reality in the utmost details. The visual environment is important, but the responsiveness of the vessel and the right ‘feel’ is much more crucial. As a matter of fact, the models designed by the MSRC must be “pilot approved” before being added to our fleet.
The hydrodynamic behaviour of ships and wind effects are generated using internationally recognized mathematical modelling techniques. As such, the vessel’s interaction with external environment forces, such as squat and channel effects, are represented by the most advanced digitization techniques.
MSRC’s unique simulator-ready fleet holds all common types of vessels which may be adapted according to the client’s needs. The vessel models represent the manoeuvring and other hydrodynamic parameters which characterize the actual responsiveness and performance of the vessel.