Training Programs

At the Maritime Simulation and Resource Centre, every effort has been made to offer an environment conducive to learning and an exceptional professional development experience, including:

  • flexible training schedules;
  • a wide range of courses (basic, advanced and custom);
  • four ultramodern interactive simulation labs;
  • classrooms and debriefing rooms.

Book your seats early to ensure your dates are available. By combining two related courses back to back, you can save both time and money.

A minimum of 3 persons is required to book a training course and, unless stipulated otherwise, all courses begin at 8:30 a.m.


Understand the navigational functions of ECDIS in order to direct the selection of, and assess, relevant information, including understanding the potential errors of displayed data and the common errors of interpretation

See +
Duration: 2 days
Description :

Understand the navigational functions of ECDIS in order to direct the selection of, and assess, relevant information, including understanding the potential errors of displayed data and the common errors of interpretation

Prerequisite : None
Preferred teaching strategy : Theoretical explanations with PPT presentations. Case studies, demonstration by the Instructor/Pilot and exercises on the navigation simulator.
Approved by : Compliant with the American Pilots' Association navigation technology committee’s guidelines and recommendations.
Syllabus : See PDF file

Post Panamax Vessels: New Challenges for Pilots

Analyze the challenges of post-Panamax vessels on pilotage: transits in confined waters, traffic management, vessel management, type and number of tugs required, restrictions related to channels and port infrastructure.

See +
Duration: 2 days
Description :

Analyze the challenges of post-Panamax vessels on pilotage: transits in confined waters, traffic management, vessel management, type and number of tugs required, restrictions related to channels and port infrastructure.

Prerequisite : Holding a pilot’s license or being in the process of acquiring such a license.
Preferred teaching strategy : Theoretical and practical, hands-on experience using the navigation simulator. Discussions among the participants encouraged during manoeuvres.
Syllabus : See PDF file

SEAiq Application for Pilots (also available online)

The course is designed to present and demonstrate the SEAiq Pilot application (SEAiq). The participants will go through the different functions of SEAiq, from basic to more advanced, in order to discover its proper use. Participants will also have the opportunity to discover the new S-102 feature for high density bathymetry with dynamic safety contour, jointly developed with the MSRC’s participation.

See +
Duration: 2 days
Description :

The course is designed to present and demonstrate the SEAiq Pilot application (SEAiq). The participants will go through the different functions of SEAiq, from basic to more advanced, in order to discover its proper use. Participants will also have the opportunity to discover the new S-102 feature for high density bathymetry with dynamic safety contour, jointly developed with the MSRC’s participation.

Prerequisite : None
Preferred teaching strategy : In-depth discussions between the attendees and the instructor to compare and assess various ways the application is being used and how it should be used. Because discussions are fundamental to learning, the online course is delivered synchronously.
Approved by : SEAiq (The MSRC is recommended by SEAiq for training on the SEAiq Pilot)
Syllabus : See PDF file

MSRC’s new online SEAiq training is just what we were hoping it to be. The content was on point and allowed us to follow along with the instructor on very similar units, effectively delivering the hands-on experience despite the online environment. The fact that the instructor is himself a pilot makes a huge difference as he understands and can relate to the day-to-day environment of a pilot.

The SEAiq software was completely new for some of us. But, thanks to this excellent training session, we have comfortably been using this software ever since. We are looking forward to other courses the MSRC is offering. -2024

Dave Newbury
Marine Pilotage Manager
Port of London Authority

Bridge Resource Management for Marine Pilots (BRM-P)

Designed to refresh and update pilots’ knowledge in the management of bridge resources required to facilitate communication and information exchange with the master and, to work efficiently and effectively with the bridge team. This course is approved by the American Pilots’ Association (APA).

See +
Duration: 2 days
Description :

Designed to refresh and update pilots’ knowledge in the management of bridge resources required to facilitate communication and information exchange with the master and, to work efficiently and effectively with the bridge team. This course is approved by the American Pilots’ Association (APA).

Prerequisite : Completion of a recognized BRM course and, holding a pilot’s license or being in the process of acquiring such a license.
Preferred teaching strategy : PPT presentations, case studies with interactive discussions.
Approved by : The American Pilots' Association (APA)
Syllabus : See PDF file

Error Detection and Use of Advanced Radar Techniques in Restricted Waters

Designed to give state of the art guidance in quickly detecting radar errors, assessing radar limitations in restricted waters and correcting radar faulty settings.

See +
Duration: 2 days
Description :

Designed to give state of the art guidance in quickly detecting radar errors, assessing radar limitations in restricted waters and correcting radar faulty settings.

Prerequisite : Holding a pilot’s license or being in the process of acquiring such a license.
Preferred teaching strategy : Theoretical and practical, hands-on experience using the navigation simulator. Discussions among the participants encouraged during manoeuvres.
Notes :

Each pilot has access to his own radar, allowing for 100 % training time.

Syllabus : See PDF file

Azimuthing Propulsion Systems for Pilots

Enable pilots to become acquainted with this “new” mode of propulsion and acquire a good grasp of both the limitations and the advantages of this technology.

See +
Duration: 2 or 2½ days
Description :

Enable pilots to become acquainted with this “new” mode of propulsion and acquire a good grasp of both the limitations and the advantages of this technology.

Prerequisite : Holding a pilot’s license or being in the process of acquiring such a license.
Preferred teaching strategy : Theoretical and practical, hands-on experience using the navigation simulator. Discussions among the participants encouraged during manoeuvres.
Notes :

Each pilot has his own Navigation Bridge, thus allowing for 100 % training time.

Syllabus : See PDF file

Emergency Shiphandling Procedures for Pilots

Standard emergency manoeuvers, emergency stops, turns and use of anchors. Hands-on experience in various emergency situations, such as engine problems, steering problems, collisions, stranding.

See +
Duration: 2½ to 3 days
Description :

Standard emergency manoeuvers, emergency stops, turns and use of anchors. Hands-on experience in various emergency situations, such as engine problems, steering problems, collisions, stranding.

Prerequisite : Holding a pilot’s license or being in the process of acquiring such a license.
Preferred teaching strategy : Theoretical and practical, hands-on experience using the navigation simulator. Discussions among the participants encouraged during manoeuvres.
Syllabus : See PDF file

Advanced Shiphandling for Pilots

Training sessions tailored to a specific piloting district.

See +
Duration: Variable
Description :

Training sessions tailored to a specific piloting district.

Prerequisite : Holding a pilot’s license or being in the process of acquiring such a license.
Preferred teaching strategy : Theoretical and practical, hands-on experience using the navigation simulator. Discussions among the participants encouraged during manoeuvres.

Escort Operations for Pilots

Provide pilots with an overview of escort tug operations principles in narrow channels.

See +
Duration: 2 days
Description :

Provide pilots with an overview of escort tug operations principles in narrow channels.

Prerequisite : Completion of a recognized AZIMUTHING PODDED PROPULSION course and holding a pilot’s license or being in the process of acquiring such a license.
Preferred teaching strategy : Theoretical and practical, hands-on experience using the navigation simulator. Discussions among the participants encouraged during manoeuvres.
Notes :

Each pilot has his own Navigation Bridge, hence allowing for 100 % training time

Syllabus : See PDF file

Ship-to-Ship (STS) Manoeuvres

Specifically intended for Ship Pilots and Captains, the course is designed to offer state-of-the-art guidance in STS operations and develop the necessary skills in manoeuvering vessels in a ship to ship berthing operation.

See +
Duration: 3 days
Description :

Specifically intended for Ship Pilots and Captains, the course is designed to offer state-of-the-art guidance in STS operations and develop the necessary skills in manoeuvering vessels in a ship to ship berthing operation.

Prerequisite : None
Preferred teaching strategy : Theoretical and practical, hands-on experience using the navigation simulator. Discussions among the participants encouraged during manoeuvres.
Notes :

Théoriques et pratiques, mises en situation sur simulateur de navigation. Échanges entre les participants recommandés lors des manœuvres.

Restricted Visibility Navigation for Pilots

Review and practice the setup and use of the Pilot’s Portable Piloting Unit (PPU) in conjunction with the setup and use of the ship’s radar.

See +
Duration: 1 day
Description :

Review and practice the setup and use of the Pilot’s Portable Piloting Unit (PPU) in conjunction with the setup and use of the ship’s radar.

Prerequisite : Holding a pilot’s license or being in the process of acquiring such a license.
Preferred teaching strategy : Theoretical and practical, hands-on experience using the navigation simulator. Discussions among the participants encouraged during manoeuvres.

Practical Training for Future Marine Pilots

Prepare candidates for pilotage examination using competency-based-approach with hands on experience in pilotage navigation.

See +
Duration: 3 to 5 days
Description :

Prepare candidates for pilotage examination using competency-based-approach with hands on experience in pilotage navigation.

Prerequisite : None
Preferred teaching strategy : Theoretical and practical, hands-on experience using the navigation simulator. Discussions among the participants encouraged during debriefing sessions.

Electronic Chart Display & Information System (ECDIS)

Train the mariner in the safe operation of Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) and electronic chart systems on board vessels equipped with such systems.

See +
Duration: 5 jours
Description :

Train the mariner in the safe operation of Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) and electronic chart systems on board vessels equipped with such systems.

Prerequisite : None
Preferred teaching strategy : Basically a hands-on approach. Theoretical explanations and exercises on the navigation simulator.
Approved by : Transport Canada
Syllabus : See PDF file

Refresher Training – Navigation Program and PPU

Presentation of the main navigation functions of a navigation software used with a PPU during pilotage missions.

See +
Duration: 1 day
Description :

Presentation of the main navigation functions of a navigation software used with a PPU during pilotage missions.

For more information regarding

Training Programs

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