Manoeuvring Feasibility Analysis

Year : 2017
Client : Pembina Pipeline Corporation
Project detail :
Pembina Pipeline Corporation with the assistance of LANTEC Marine Incorporated arranged to obtain the services of the Maritime Simulation and Resource Centre (MSRC) to determine the feasibility of a propane export terminal on Watson Island, Porpoise Harbour. The exercises were observed by the representatives from the Prince Rupert Port Authority, the City of Prince Rupert, Navigator Gas and Pembina Pipeline Corporation. With the collaboration of the British Columbia Coast Pilots, the joint intention of all parties was to:
- confirm that transits along the planned route through the waters of the Prince Rupert Port Authority could be conducted safely, with specific focus on the narrow confines of Porpoise Channel and Porpoise Harbour;
- provide a preliminary recommendation for a tug escort and berthing / ship assist tug package that would be consistent with other operations in coastal British Columbia and that would satisfy the requirements of the British Columbia Coast Pilots/ Pacific Pilotage Authority; and
- identify any transit restrictions that could result from dynamic environmental conditions such as wind speed or tidal conditions.